The gathered church is sent and scattered for the life of the world. In order to make this happen we intend:

  • To equip people to live out their faith in family, workplace, school, local community, and world.
  • To connect faith to life as the church’s shared endeavor: the body of Christ is embodied in service of neighbors and working for justice in everyday life experiences.
  • To help people discern their callings in the world and to support them in following those callings.
  • To prepare ministers of the Word as more effective teachers at the interface of faith and life.
  • To accept people where they are in their faith understanding and to challenge them to grow to a deeper level.
  • To invite those unfamiliar with or estranged from the faith to see the connection between faith, culture, intellect, science, learning, and life.
  • To intensify the church’s focus on mission as service to neighbors in the world through the everyday roles and relationships of our members.

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Our vision

Action steps

What you can do

Key terms

Download a Primer (in PDF) that contains all of this information. It’s printable, or it can be downloaded and attached to an email so that you can share the Initiative’s purpose with others.

Download a flyer (in PDF) that is a condensed version designed to be shared with others. If you would like to print this flyer download this version. (Print this image on both sides of 8.5×11″ paper, then cut in half to make a double-sided, 8.5×5.5″ flyer.)

Right-click to download any of the above files to your computer.

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